by Sheryl
It seems the Bible teaches us how we can find out in Romans 12:2... Then, there appears to be specific indicators in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28, note verse 18.....we are called for sanctification - seperated from the world and its ways for Gods use - to be made holy like Christ is Holy...called for a journey with God to be changed and made to become ultimately like Christ. So, it appears from scripture that the focus of the Church (as the body of believers) should be a spiritual and not a physical/material one. After all, God says He already knows all our physical needs. So I trust God to help me to live in a way where I am seeking His Kingdom and His righteousness first, moment by moment (instead of the things of this life), seeking His help to clear out wilful sinful ways, knowing that by His Grace and Power all things He thinks will let me to glorify Him during HIs process of transforming my life, will be added (husband, job, money) as and when He thinks I need them....only then I find He reveals himself and the direction in which I should walk becomes clear by His Spirit that lives in's wonderful!