Below you will find a six week Ephesians Bible Study. Each chapter study contains daily study questions, usually two to three questions per day.
This Bible Study covers one chapter per week designed for individual or small group study. You can download the lessons in PDF format. We provide answers for the questions from the lessons.
Here's some general information on this letter from Paul to the Ephesians.
Some assert Paul wrote the Book of Ephesians when he was a prisoner in the city of Rome. It's also said that because of his afflictions, Paul had the greatest relish and appreciation of the things of God.
While his tribulations were great, Paul's spiritual consolation and experiences were even greater and are beneficial to us even today through this epistle.
Paul wrote this letter we know as the Book of Ephesians to settle or establish the Ephesians in the truth, and to acquaint them with the mystery of the gospel.
In this Ephesians Bible study we learn that Paul tells of the great privilege of the Ephesians.
In times past they lived as idolatrous heathens; but now they're converted to Christianity and received into covenant with God.
Paul illustrates this from a view of their deplorable state before their conversion. Paul then instructs them in the duties of the Christian life. He also exhorts and encourages them to be faithful in their walk.
Some have said that the epitome of the whole Christian doctrine is found in the 4th, 5th, and 6th chapters.
According to Matthew Henry, this
epistle to the Ephesians may have been a circular letter sent to
several churches, and that the copy directed to the Ephesians happened
to be taken into the canon (or official Books of the Bible), and so it
came to bear that particular title.
Many also think this because it's the only Pauline epistle that has nothing in it specifically addressing the state or case of the Ephesian church.
On the other hand, it could be argued that the epistle is expressly inscribed (1:1) to the saints which are at Ephesus; and in the closing Paul tells them that he had sent Tychicus unto them, whom, in 2 Timothy 4:12, he says he had sent to Ephesus.
Even so, the Book of Ephesians has a lot of application that applies to all Christians. It's especially relevant to all who have been Gentiles in the past (most of us I would think), and were converted to Christianity.
Here's an Outline of the Book of Ephesians you may wish to see before you get started.
Book of Ephesians - Chapter One
-- Chapter one of Ephesians tells us that we are spiritually blessed. In this chapter of our Ephesians Bible study we learn that Christians
are chosen by the Father (vs 3-6), redeemed by the Son (vs 7-12), and
sealed by the Holy Spirit (vs 13 and 14). What a great God we have who
loves us so much! Enjoy and reflect on these blessings as they are
explained here in the first chapter of the Book of Ephesians.
Book of Ephesians - Chapter Two
-- In Ephesians Chapter 2 we learn that Christians are saved by grace. We also learn when we become Christians we are not who we used to be and
we are filled with new life and have the blessings of God's kindness
and eternal gift to us. You will also learn about how we are members of
one body in this second chapter of the Book of Ephesians.
Book of Ephesians - Chapter Three
-- Chapter three of Ephesians reveals to us the mystery that was kept secret since the beginning of time. As if that wasn't enough, we learn about the deepest riches of God's loving grace.
Book of Ephesians - Chapter Four
-- Chapter four presents principles for the believer's conduct in the world. We learn how to walk worthy in the unity of the Spirit with faith and knowledge.
We also discuss the old man and discover that we must put on the new man. Learn what these terms mean and why they're so important to you.
Book of Ephesians - Chapter Five
-- Chapter five teaches us how to walk in love, light, and wisdom while
watching around us so as to be wary. We also learn the Christian
principles of submission in different relationships.
Book of Ephesians - Chapter Six
-- Chapter six teaches us how to honor our parents and how we should
interact with our employers. In this final chapter we also learn how to
put on the armor of God to withstand the devil's attacks.
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