1. What was it that persuaded Jesus to leave Judea as shown at the beginning of Chapter 4 of the Gospel of John?
Jesus learned that a dispute arose among the Jews that pitted John the Baptist and his ministry against each another
2. What do we learn of the background of the Samaritan people from the following II Kings 17:22-41?
3. Do you see any irony in verses 7 through 15; If so, what is it?
Jesus asks the woman for a drink of water because he has nothing to draw water with; yet, then offers her living water, which if she drinks it she, will never thirst.
1. Describe what do you think may have been the Samaritan woman’s changing perception of Jesus from his questions or statements to her as outlined below:
2. What about a person’s physical appearance, social standing or cultural differences causes you to hesitate to speak to them, associate with them or tell them of Jesus Christ? Share an experience when have you been able to overlook these aspects of a person or when someone has overlooked your circumstances to share the gospel.
I grew up in a culture of prejudice towards others. By the grace of God, I realized that God is no respecter of persons and that includes me. We are all sinners and myself especially, how can I judge another person?
3. Read the following verses Jeremiah 2:13, Jeremiah 17:13, Gospel of John 7:37-39 and Revelation 7:17.
What did Jesus meant by the term “living water” in Chapter 4 verse 10 of the Gospel of John and “the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” in Chapter 4 verse 14 of the Gospel of John?
The Holy Spirit is the living water and the spring of water welling up to eternal life.
1. Why did Jesus ask the woman to call her husband and come back in verse 16 if he knew she had no husband as shown in verse 17 and 18?
She still was looking for her physical needs to be met. He wanted to demonstrate that he knew her physical state and circumstances but he wished to address her spiritual needs. He got her attention and she could remedy her situation best if she were with the man she was with at Jesus side. Her spiritual need was related to her continued sin of adultery.
2. The woman basically agreed Jesus was right about the man she was with was not her husband in her statement "Sir…I can see that you are a prophet.” What are the possible reasons for her turning the conversation to the difference of places of worship?
3. List 5 truths from Jesus’ statement to the woman in verses 21 through 24.
Here are 8 truths:
1. Do you think the woman believed Jesus’ statement of these truths in verses 21-24? Why or why not?
No, she still does not believe because she states the “when the Messiah comes he will explain everything to us” in verse 25.
2. In Chapter 4 verse 29 the woman said to the townspeople "Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?" What strikes you about how she explains her conversation with Jesus?
That she does not mention that he told her he was the Christ
3. List 3 things the woman actually knows about Jesus based on her encounter with him.
Here are 5 things
1. List 5 things Jesus tells his disciples in verses 35-38.
Here are 9 things
2. Why did Jesus say what is related in verses 34-38 to his disciples and what lesson for daily living do we learn from this?
3. Contrast the focus and results of Jesus to the focus and results of his disciples.
Jesus focus was the spiritual needs of the Samaritan woman and the townspeople, the result was many became believers and he did the will of the Father
The disciples focus was their need for physical food – they got food.
1. Read Matt 13:53-58 and Mark 6:1-6. What are the three examples Jesus gives for the types of people who would not honor him?
2. Why is it hard for a prophet to be honored in his own country?
Because people know or think they know the prophet based on their human perception of what they have learned of him through their natural mind or 5 senses. It is easier to believe someone is holy if you know little about him. It seems that a holy person cannot be holy based on man’s standards of perception – only by God’s.
3. What actions indicated the faith of the royal official?