1. What can we learn of Nicodemus from the following verses?
2. For what reasons might Nicodemus have come to Jesus at night?
Perhaps he came in the night for these reasons:
3. Who might Nicodemus mean in verse 2 when he says “we”?
Perhaps he meant this when he said we:
1. Who might Jesus have been referring to when he used the word we in verse 11?
2. Why did Nicodemus visit Jesus?
He wanted to know if he was doing the right thing spiritually, he wanted assurance that his lifestyle would ensure that he would see the Kingdom of God
3. List 6 spiritual truths stated by Jesus about himself in verses 13 through 18.
1. In verse 14 it states Moses lifted up the snake in the desert. Why did Moses do this?
God told him to do this to heal those bitten by venomous snakes. They were healed when they looked at the bronze snake that was lifted up on a pole.
2. What did Jesus mean when he said “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
The Holy Spirit or God moves according to His own pleasure and His comings and goings which are not discernable to men but you can discern the effects of it; just as the winds effects are felt – you can hear and feel it but cannot tell how it works, where it is going or coming from – So it is with God.
3. In the Gospel of John, Chapter 3 verses 12 through 18 the word believe occurs 6 times. In verse 15, verse 16 and verse 18 (1st occurrance) state who should believe, what should be believed, and what benefit the belief brings.
1. Verse 20 states “Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.” What does this verse tell us about the heart or conscience of mankind?
Every person knows in his heart that light exposes evilEvery person knows what evil isEvery person fears being exposed for his or her evil deeds
2. In verse 31, who is:
3. From verses 25 and 26 what might the specific issue of the argument between the disciples of John the Baptist and “the certain Jew” have been?
From the statement from verse 26 “…and everyone is going to him." . . .and the fact that John’s answer in verse 27 and following addresses the authority aspect of the right to act as they were (baptizing), it is an argument over whether or not Jesus and his disciples should baptize or if they were authorized to do so.
1. In verse 29 who are the following:
2. Why did John say in verse 30 “He must become greater; I must become less.”?
Because his disciples were not listening to him and were concerned that Jesus and his disciples were baptizing, they did not understand that John was not in competition with Jesus. They did not listen or did not hear John when he said “there is one greater that me whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.”
3. How in your life, can you become less and Jesus become greater?
For my life, this is how I can become less and Jesus greater:
Put less focus on myself (less pride, more repentance) and more focus on Jesus (more obedience, humbleness and his grace)
1. Which verse describes God’s love for the world and which verses describe God’s love for Jesus Christ?
2. List the different names or natures that are attributed to Jesus Christ in the following verses:
3. Cite the 3 verses in Chapter 3 that clearly and specifically state the idea that whosoever believes in Jesus Christ has eternal life.