Genesis Chapter 2

This Genesis Chapter 2 Bible study is the second of eleven in a series of Bible studies of the first 11 chapters of Genesis. 

Hand of God

Learn why God created Adam and Eve and about their home in the Garden of Eden. Discover how these events affect to this very day.

Your learning comes from reading and studying the Bible. After you have read the Scripture passage below, it's a good idea to answer the daily study questions.

Daily Study Questions for Genesis Chapter 2

Day One

Question 1:  Verse one of Genesis Chapter 2 states: “Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.”  What commands or acts did God order in the first six days recorded in chapter one that still occur even to this day?  What does this demonstrate?

Question 2:  From the beginning of creation until this day the seventh day of the week is special for Christians.  What do we do – or should we do - out of respect for the holiness of the seventh day?  Is it wrong for someone to work on Sunday?

Question 3:  What do we learn about God’s creation of man from verse 7 of Genesis Chapter 2?

Day Two

Question 4:  In Genesis Chapter 2 we see the words “LORD God” used for the first time as opposed to the word “God”.  This is from the Hebrew word “Yehovah”.  What does the word LORD mean to you?

Question 5:  Describe the garden that God planted.  Where was it?  What were the three types of trees that grew there from verse 9 of Genesis Chapter 2?

Question 6:  Four rivers sprang from the Garden of Eden, the Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates.  Where might you assume the garden to have been?  Does the idea of living in a garden such as Eden appeal to you?  Why or why not?

Day Three

Question 7:  Why did God place man in the Garden of Eden?

Question 8:  What commands did God give to man when he placed him in the garden?  What was it he could and could not do and what were the consequences for disobedience?

  • Could do
  • Could not do
  • Consequences of doing what was forbidden

Question 9:  List all the creations that Adam named.

Day Four

Genesis 2

Question 10:  What is the significance of Adam naming all the creatures and his wife?

Question 11:  How are man and woman “one flesh” when they are married?  What do verses 24 and 25 of Genesis Chapter 2 reveal to us about God’s view of marriage, homosexuality, polygamy and adultery?

Day Five

Question 12:   Why did Adam and Eve feel no shame even though they were naked?  Why do young children feel no shame when they are naked?

Question 13:  How is Satan trying to persuade us feel to feel no shame for nakedness in today’s culture?

Click here to compare your answers.