This study of Genesis chapter 1 is the first of eleven in a series of studies of the first 11 chapters of the first book of the Bible. In this study, you can learn:
Your learning comes from reading and studying the Bible. After you've read the Scripture passage, it's a good idea to answer the daily study questions.
Question 1: List the things God found good among His creations from Genesis Chapter 1.
Question 2: What do we learn about God from Genesis Chapter 1?
Question 3: The word “created” (bara') in verse 1 is a verb used exclusively of God. Man could not reach the powers that are inherent in this word, for it describes full miracle. By the sovereign, originative power of God something absolutely new was brought into being - the heavens and the earth.
Here the author focuses interest upon all the areas of the world above, around, and below.
In this phrase he includes:
Men of science reveal that our galaxy contains more than 100 billion stars, and that our sun is 150 trillion miles from the center of our galaxy. Our galaxy is one of a small cluster of 19 galaxies, the nearest of which is 30 million light years from us (150 million trillion miles).
Our research scientists, by using powerful telescopes, have made reasonably sure that there are more than a billion galaxies. They estimate the number of stars in these galaxies as close to 100 quintillion. The candle power of one of the galaxies is equal to that of 400 million suns. (Wycliffe Bible Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright (c) 1962 by Moody Press)
Question 4 (choose one):
Question 5: Can you summarize below what God created on each day?
Question 6: In this chapter of Genesis we see the English word “heaven” or “the air” in verses 1, 8, 9, 14, 15, 17, 20, 26, 28, and 30 (King James Version) which is translated from the same Hebrew word “shamayim” (shaw-mah'-yim).
Do you think the Creator created His own dwelling place i.e. heaven? Where does God live?
Question 7: How are we made in the image of and likeness of God per verse 26 of Genesis Chapter 1?
Question 8: What does verse 26 tell us about mankind relative to the rest of God’s creation?
Question 9: How does verse 26 contradict the theory of evolution?
Question 10: Who is God with when He states “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…” that He would use the plural?
Question 11: What do the following verses tell us about how the God created the universe?
Question 12: List the 5 things God has not allowed man to rule over per verses 26-28 of Genesis Chapter 1.
Question 13: List 5 things that God created that man was given authority to rule over.
Question 14: Which of God’s creations did He bless?
Question 15: List the 5 commands God gave mankind in verse 28.
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